English Words in Action, Group T
(a variety of English words which have developed through history and are currently used in our modern age)

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throne (verb), thrones; throned; throning
To install in or to occupy a position of royal authority: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, or Queen Elizabeth II, was throned in 1953 after her father George VI died in 1952.
1. Divination or prophecy performed by means of one's own soul: The desert hermit practiced thumomancy and chose to meet with petitioners once per year.
2. Etymology: thumo- comes from Greek thumos, "soul" and mancy, "divination, prophecy, fortune telling" is also from Greek.
2. Etymology: thumo- comes from Greek thumos, "soul" and mancy, "divination, prophecy, fortune telling" is also from Greek.
thwart (THWORT) (verb), thwarts; thwarted; thwarting
1. To prevent, to interfere, or to hinder: The severe storm thwarted Victor's plans to drive home from the university for the holidays.
2. To foil, to ruin, to stop, or to prevent: The loss of Harry's job thwarted his plans to buy the car that he wanted.

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2. To foil, to ruin, to stop, or to prevent: The loss of Harry's job thwarted his plans to buy the car that he wanted.

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1. A teasing stroke or a tingling rub: The little girl laughed when her father gave her a tickle.
2. An uncomfortable itch or a twitching sensation: A cough drop can help to ease that tickle in the throat.
2. An uncomfortable itch or a twitching sensation: A cough drop can help to ease that tickle in the throat.
tickle (verb), tickles; tickled; tickling
1. To make someone laugh by lightly touching a sensitive part of the body with the fingers, a feather, etc.: The mother tickled her baby under the chin.
2. To have or to cause a slightly uncomfortable feeling on a part of the body: When Mark wore the sweater, the tag in the back of neck area tickled his neck.
3. To please or to amuse someone: The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.
2. To have or to cause a slightly uncomfortable feeling on a part of the body: When Mark wore the sweater, the tag in the back of neck area tickled his neck.
3. To please or to amuse someone: The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.
The puppy's playing around tickled the family.
tickle your fancy (verb), tickles your fancy; tickled your fancy; tickling your fancy
That which interests or attracts someone: Mary asked, "Do either of these trips tickle your fancy?"
ticklish (adjective), more ticklish, most ticklish
1. Sensitive to tingling or easily reactive to a light touch: Marge admitted that she was a ticklish person.
2. A reference to being delicate, complicated, awkward, requiring tact, etc.: Bringing the two enemies together will be a ticklish procedure.
2. A reference to being delicate, complicated, awkward, requiring tact, etc.: Bringing the two enemies together will be a ticklish procedure.
tie a can to (verb), ties a can to; tied a can to; tying a can to
1. To get rid of someone or something, to dismiss. to reject, to discharge: A woman tied a can to her boyfriend apparently because she didn't want him anymore.

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2. To control or to stop an activity: A woman said that her husband was deceiving himself if he thinks he can tie a can to her.

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3. To control someone or to make him or her do something: Another wife wants her husband to buy her a coat or she will tie a can to him in order to make him do what she wants him to and he is apparently not concerned about her threat.

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Anyone who has had a can tied to him or her is a person whose presence is no longer desired.

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Something that is no longer wanted nor appreciated.

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2. To control or to stop an activity: A woman said that her husband was deceiving himself if he thinks he can tie a can to her.

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3. To control someone or to make him or her do something: Another wife wants her husband to buy her a coat or she will tie a can to him in order to make him do what she wants him to and he is apparently not concerned about her threat.

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1. A linear projection of when events occur from the past, the present, or are projected into the future: Government officials have hopes that in time the political resolution of problems among nations will occur instead of resorting to military solutions.
2. A lapse between the occurrences of events: Norbert passed the time waiting for the bus to arrive by reading and chatting with others who were waiting with him.
3. A manner, typically involving numbers that indicate when an event, etc. took place or may have taken place: Jane asked, "Jim, how much time has passed since we last got together?"
4. The indication of a period or interval of surrounding events: The past five years have been hard times for the factory.
5. An indication of when prevailing events or trends occur: By hiring a woman CEO, the organization was certainly in tune with the times.
6. Specific seasons or opportunities for events that take place: The village was celebrating harvest time by having a fair.
7. The occasion or opportunity in which to complete an activity: Mother said, "Mildred, there will be plenty of time to finish your homework."
8. An instance or specific occasion in which something happens: The time of little Glenda's birth was midnight on New Year’s Eve.
2. A lapse between the occurrences of events: Norbert passed the time waiting for the bus to arrive by reading and chatting with others who were waiting with him.
3. A manner, typically involving numbers that indicate when an event, etc. took place or may have taken place: Jane asked, "Jim, how much time has passed since we last got together?"
4. The indication of a period or interval of surrounding events: The past five years have been hard times for the factory.
5. An indication of when prevailing events or trends occur: By hiring a woman CEO, the organization was certainly in tune with the times.
6. Specific seasons or opportunities for events that take place: The village was celebrating harvest time by having a fair.
7. The occasion or opportunity in which to complete an activity: Mother said, "Mildred, there will be plenty of time to finish your homework."
8. An instance or specific occasion in which something happens: The time of little Glenda's birth was midnight on New Year’s Eve.
time (verb), times; timed; timing
1. To choose an hour, a day, a month, a year, etc. when something is to happen at an indicated schedule: Matthew timed his trip to coincide with the summer vacation at his university.
2.To make something happen at a certain minute: The senator timed his speech to take place just before the congressional recess was to take place for the summer.
2.To make something happen at a certain minute: The senator timed his speech to take place just before the congressional recess was to take place for the summer.
1. A small trace or amount of color that is added to something: The wallpaper in Jim's bedroom has a tinge of orange.
2. A slightly added property, element, or influence: The book Helga was reading had a tinge of unpleasantness for the main characters.
2. A slightly added property, element, or influence: The book Helga was reading had a tinge of unpleasantness for the main characters.
tinge (verb), tinges; tinged; tingeing, tinging
1. To add a trace of color to something: Sam tinged the glass of water blue with just one drop of ink.
2. To slightly affect something: The environment was tinged with a contrasting content including a breezy wind that was being tinged with rain.
2. To slightly affect something: The environment was tinged with a contrasting content including a breezy wind that was being tinged with rain.
1. A prolonged declamatory outpouring, as of censure; a long angry speech or lecture: The talk-show hosts are known to continually deliver tirades against their political opponents.

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The office-seeker let loose a tirade of vilifications against his opponent.
2. Etymology: from Italian tirata, "volley, a discharge of firearms"; a tirade is "a volley of words", usually of censure or severe criticism.

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tirade (verb), tirades; tiraded; tirading
To make a long and angry speech that includes condemnation, reprimanding, and scolding: The new candidate for mayor was tirading about the current mayor as a failure.
The football coach tiraded the team for losing the game.
The principal of the high school was tirading a group of students for their misbehavior and disobedience.
The writer was pointing out that the critic can't tirade people for not being able to spell; especially, when he makes spelling errors himself.
tirading (adjective), more tirading, most tirading
References to statements or speeches that reprimand, scold, denounce, condemn, vilify, etc.: The tirading taggers were spray painting all over the city, but they were finally caught by the police.
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